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It's like BookClub but for indoor plant-obsessed people

When it comes to plants, we're self confessed and very proud geeks. So, we couldn't be more thrilled about Bespoke Plants hosting a monthly Plant Club.

It's like Book Club but for indoor plant-obsessed people! Pick us, pick us!! 

This month the team welcome guest speaker Neil from Odd Spot Plants. Neil is a guru at growing variegated and rare indoor plants - you know those one of a kind stunners that usually sell with a hefty price tag? Neil will speak about all things plant production and shows us how he creates his incredible hybrids. You will learn the difference between production types such as tissue culture, propagation and growing from seed.

Plant Club is perfect for fellow green thumbs and plant enthusiasts whether you're a beginner or an expert know-it-all.

The plant chats could go for days as you connect with like-minded people, sharing best tips and tricks, troubleshooting plant woes, and with inspiration on fabulous styling ideas for your beloved green companions....that don't talk back to you, or need walking!

The best bit, this month the event features a plant swap. So bring your cuttings or potted babies and trade for something new!

The team at Bespoke offer exclusive in-store discounts on their Bespoke Plants product line to make your collection even more worthy.

Plant club tickets are limited so make you lock yours in - grab your free ticket here.